Open System Testing Architecture


Overview of Script Control Language Syntax

The Script Control Language (SCL) is used to write scripts. Scripts define and control the test cases and input that are to be used to test the target system.

Script files consist of up to three sections which must appear in the following order if present:

The first section is the mandatory Environment section. This section defines the global attributes of the script, i.e. the script description, script mode and wait command units. It is introduced by the ENVIRONMENT command, and continues until a DEFINITIONS or CODE command is encountered.

The second section is the optional Definitions section. This section contains the variable, constant, timer and file definitions for the script. It starts with the DEFINITIONS command, and continues until the CODE command.

The last section is the mandatory Code section, which contains the main script commands. The start of this section is marked by the CODE command; it continues until the end of the script file.

Tabs, spaces and form-feeds may be incorporated into the code to align keywords and generally aid legibility; they have no other effect on compilation.

See also:

Character Representation

Continuation Lines


OpenSTA Datanames

Maximum Values in Scripts

Including Text from Other Source Files

Conditional Compilation of Source Code
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